Emma 15 Months

15 Months Old!
2 ft 7.25 in 71%
25 lbs 7 oz 92%
19.3 in head cir. 99%
- 8 shiny white teeth
- Saying "dada"
- Loves to eat spaghetti, cheese, popsicles, and cuties
-Goes to bed between 7-8 and wake time has yet to be consistent
- Loves watching her brother and sister
- Wearing size 18-24 months
- Still taking 2 naps a day
- Loves to be given kisses
- Loves chairs
- Loves the slide at the park
- Loves to play in her play kitchen
- Has taken steps, but not consistently 

Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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