
How Motherhood Has Changed Me...

I was laying in bed this morning just thinking about how I have changed since giving birth. Some for the good, some for the bad, and some just different.

- I used to be a morning person and always wake up before the sun. If I did not wake up early I felt lazy. Since Grace was born I get sad when she wakes me up before the sun. This seems so silly! Why wouldn't I want to wake up early still and get things done??

- As long as I can remember I have always been obsessed with running. I would run every day. I would wake up as early as I needed, run through the rain, run through snow, or really anything. There was no excuse that could stop me. Since Grace has been born, breastfeeding has become more of a priority. I never thought I would say this, it feels against my nature, but I am saying it.

- I will never wear a cute little bikini again. Even though I followed all the rules and advice, I still got stretch marks. I would put the cream on three times a day, drank so much water, exercised and anything anyone suggested. My doctor said it really has to do with genetics and since my mom has stretch marks, so do I. I have even tried the 40 dollar cream, no change. 

- I no longer need as much sleep as I thought I did. I can live off of a few hours and function just fine. Now this isn't the way I like it, but I can do it even though I thought I couldn't.

- I do a lot more planning than ever before. With a baby the last thing you want is to be caught somewhere without a paci at nap time. Which is where good planning comes in.

- I now love my mom more than ever! I have so much respect for her and all she went through to have 5 children! (and is still going through)

- My heart breaks so much more easily. I now see a child in pain and I just want to cry myself. It doesn't even matter if I don't know the child, I still will cry. I will never forget when the Sandy Hook shooting occured. Grace was not very old and I spent the entire day in tears. Even as I write this I can not hold back the tears. What if that was my daughter, my heart continues to break for those parents.

- I realized how selfish I really am. I do not think I need to explain this one.

- I now notice other moms and immediately want to talk to them. I am not a social person at all. I would usually never go up to someone and just talk. Now I can talk to anyone with a baby. 

I could probably sit here all day and think of ways I have changed. I would never change them for anything in the world. I love Grace and being her mommy, there is nothing else I would want!


  1. loving that last picture!! soo adorable!! Totally agree on the planning... being spontaneous makes me cringe now lol!!

    1. Thanks Jen- I am completely not spontaneous anymore either! Maybe it will change as the get older?!?!

  2. This post makes me really happy. I love you Big Sis! Also, that one about running... this is STILL blowing my mind.

    ps. those pictures are AMAZING. Whoever took those did a great job

    1. Thanks for taking some pictures os Grace and I. I need more and more pictures of the two of us!

  3. Wow I love reading these :) I can't wait to see how I will change...I am sure I can't even imagine right now what I am in for!

  4. We are so similar with the whole running thing! Em is 11 months and I have yet to run more than 2 a week. I used to run every. single. day. just like you. Between teaching, taking care of Em after school, Bfeeding, LIFE.. I feel exactly like you! I can't find balance with it all.

    Maybe we can motivate each other! :)

    1. I completely understand! I don't really know what my problem is?? My husband even tried to sign me up for a race to give me some motivation, I wouldn't let him though.
      Any motivation is good motivation!

    2. April 13... you can run with me and Oliver and Callie!

    3. You know I am not ready for that!

  5. girl, you can still wear a bikini! Silly stretch marks, I have plenty and I'll still wear a bikini! Your motivation for running will come back. I found mine, and could run every day with Meredith, if the weather will let me! Once Wesley gets back, I plan on doing it at 6 a.m. every day! wish we were closer to do it together! You are a great mom! love you!

    1. Oh I have seen your stretch marks and yours are nothing!
      I wish we lived closer too! I miss you!

  6. I had a seminary prof. that said when he got married he realized how selfish he was. When he had children he realized how lazy he was, and that nothing has been more instrumental to his sanctification than having children. I can really attest to that. I have grown much over the years with your siblings and yourself. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
    You are a great mom. Keep trusting the one that has blessed you greatly.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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