
My Baby Is Getting Too Big!

Here in South Carolina it was a dreary, rainy and cold weekend. I secretly really enjoyed it! If it is pretty then we are outside, which I love, but sometimes it is nice to relax and do some inside projects. We spent all of our time working in Grace's room (aka my favorite room in the house). 

I recently bough a lot more hairbows for Grace and needed somewhere to put them all. I researched etsy and found a really cute hairbow holder that I loved! Unfortunately it was $15.00, too much for me. So I headed over to Michaels to see what I could come up with...

The hairbow holder from etsy:

My homemade hairbow holder:

How did I do? I am actually pretty proud of it! I am anything but crafty. I wish I was, but it doesn't come naturally to me, but saving money does! So buying it from esty was $15.00 plus shipping and my homemade version $2.34!

We also hung a very special picture that Grace's Aunt Margaret made for her.

Because I caught Grace in the crawl position in her crib, it made me nervous that all she had to do was pull up and she could be leaning over the crib. So we had to lower her crib a level.

We even tried to do a little rearranging, but ended up putting it right back how it was. I just like it this was the best! There is still some more things that I want to do, but that is for another time.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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