
Blogging Woes...

When I starting writing this blog I did not tell anyone what I had begun. Not because I was ashamed or scared, more that it was a place to share, vent, connect and just feel. Then lately it has become more of a place for approval. I guess the approval of "friends". I say it like that because I follow blogs and feel as if I know the person who is writing. In a sense I do, but that doesn't mean that they know me. It is more of a one sided friendship. Sometimes it doesn't feel like my new "friends" are even real. Us bloggers tend to only write the positives and what everyone else wants to read. I mean that is how you make a successful blog right? However, that is not why I write my blog. I want to be a real person. 

Making friends is hard. I know that because I am one of the worlds worst at making relationships. You see, I am not good at talking on the phone, I hate to be surprised, spontaneity is not a gift of mine, and even though I try to be brave, I'm not.

We have lived in Anderson now for 9 months. In those months, I do not have anyone I can call up to go visit. It is not from lack of trying. Even though I am not good at a lot of things, I have been trying. I have delivered baby presents to new moms I never even met before, I have attended small groups with people I had never met, I have introduced myself to neighbors, and talked to complete strangers in the supermarket. Don't get me wrong, I have the absolute best friend in my amazing husband, but unfortunately he is very busy.

When you find a good friend hang on to them. Miles make things hard, but don't let them go. They are rare. You see I do have some good friends, but the closest one is hours away. I miss them. So that is why I blog today.


  1. I hear ya girl... I feel like friendships are ever evolving & also having a new baby really puts things into perspective... it's so hard to make new mommy friends !!

    1. You can say that again! I really am trying though! Thats all I can do!

  2. Hi Katie! Just hopped over to your blog and this is SO me. I've posted a few times about how when we moved to Cleveland, the first year was VERY depressing. I even work from home and therefore didn't have co-workers built in that I could bond with. No, more than 3 years later I finally have some girlfriends, but it was a hard journey. And no, I don't like the blog that are sunshines and roses... that's not real life. I'm gonna look around your blog more now cause you've intrigued me... I feel like we have the same personality! Have a great weekend. :)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Sarah! I know it is more difficult for me because I stay at home, but I am very glad I get to. I just miss having company. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I'm soooo with you!! I haven't had to deal with big moves but my close friends all live about an hour away..Not terrible but not super convenient. I'm also entering the mommy world and expecting my first due in less than a month and it seems like it sort of is changing my friendships already.

    Also...just wanted to let you know that I really love your blog and have nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Check it out here:

    1. Thank you Chandelle! That is very sweet of you! I am honored and had a lot of fun writing it!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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