
Bottom Problems

This past week sadly we have been dealing with a diaper rash. :( I hate it!!! I feel like such a bad mom. Thankfully it doesn't really affect Grace until it is time to change her diaper. This is her second diaper rash in her life. So needless to say we have tried a lot of different products. 

We have tried:

1. Butt Paste- 
 2. Aquaphor ointment-
3. Maximum strength Desitin-
4. Original Desitin-
4. Organic Coconut Oil-
5. Maalox-
6. Presciption 1-2-3 Paste-

Now for the things that ACTUALLY works: 

1. Aveeno Bath Treatment- I would put her in the bath for 15-30 minutes and just let her play and heal her pitiful little bottom.
2. Triple Paste- On the label for this ointment it says, "For use when all the other ointments don't work". That is so true! It did the trick! It is expensive, but I don't care if it keeps my little girls bottom pain free!

I hope this will help you and your little one form much pain. Please share your tips for preventing diaper rash and your favorite creams. Because of course you want to be able to see this smiling face!


  1. Thanks for sharing! Will need to remember this for when my little one gets here!! :)

  2. Flanders, I swear by it!!!
    Sorry for sweet Grace.. Meredith has had it bad twice. :(

    1. Thanks! I will have to look for that! Where do you get it?


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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