
How Craigslist, Yard Sales, & Consignment Sales Have Helped Me:

As many of you know I am cheap thrifty. I love a deal and a great bargain! I cut coupons for about anything: groceries, restaurants, baby products (even Grace's big girl car seat) and anything that has a coupon! I also do not mind having used things. 

Before Grace was born, I hit the yard sales every Saturday. I found a lot of great things for her: Jenny Jump Up $5, Infantinio Carrier $3, Baby Clothes $0.25-$1.00, Lincoln Logs $2, Dr Seuss Books $0.25, diaper bag $1.00 and many more odds and ends.

Another great place to find bargains are children consignment sales. I have bought toys $1.00, fisher price piano $1.50, clothes, hats, socks, and shoes.

Where I think I have saved the most money is searching Craigslist. This can be a hit or miss with some items and it does take time, but for me it has been worth it! Things we have purchased include: Grace's 2 dressers (free Grandmommy & Grandpa), highchair $20, & safety gate $50.

If you were doing the math... that is a savings of...   $941.54!!!!!!!!

I hope this will encourage you that having a baby doesn't have to be as expensive as you think! Don't misunderstand me... It is still VERY expensive, but there are ways to save a dollar here and there.


  1. love this post! I need to be thriftier & seeing how much stuff you got is inspirational!!

  2. Way to go Katie! You can't go wrong with this mindset - the Proverbs 31 wife! God's blesses His own!

  3. You found such good deals!! I love thrift shopping!! We need to plan a day on the weekend to go thrift shopping together :-)

  4. I am sooo looking forward to garage saling this summer!!! :) Gotta love good deals! Seriously, the best finds at garage sales are baby things. I have been waiting for this for forever lol Also, thanks for all your comments on my blog and for stopping by! I can't reply to comments like your page lets you and there is no email attached to your account...but just know your comments are appreciated!!! :) And I love following along with your life with your cutie!

    1. That is so true! Babies only use stuff for a short time so, so many things are like new!
      I love stopping by your blog! It is especially nice to read a blog whose first love is their Savior! Thank you!
      I am still new to the whole blogging thing, so I do not know how to add my e-mail. BUT... it is katiemckenzie@live.com


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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