
Birthday Planning...

Birthday planning is in full swing over here! Time just flies by too quickly! Up until last week I had really not even thought about this little one's birthday. I did not want to believe that she would be a YEAR old. It still is hard to wrap my mind around! 

So I had to get to work. I quickly ordered invitations from Walgreens. They always are giving out coupons and they can have them made that day; that worked out well for me and the invitations were in the mail that afternoon. 

I also knew I wanted something cute for her to eat her first bite of cake. Kari over at Kari's Creative Kreations made this shirt exactly the way I had envisioned. I just gave her a few hints and let her creative mind run. It turned out better than I expected. 

The theme for the party is green and pink. I picked up pink and green straws and some cool green recorders (from the dollar sections at Target!).

 Grace's daddy is going to make the cake for her and I am going to bake pink and green cupcakes. That is where the planning has stopped... Any suggestions or recommendations??? I need help!!! I want this little girl's birthday to be special! Thanks


  1. You both are adorable!! And I love the shirt she will wear :) I can't wait to see pictures.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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