
Fourth of July Festivities

Fourth of July is for family, fireworks, fun and food!

We kicked off our Fourth of July morning with a family race. Thankfully most of my family loves to run. We woke up bright and early on Thursday morning and all headed out with our red, white and blue. My parents live on a lake in Albemarle, NC. Downtown Albemarle there is an awesome store Vac and Dash where they sell vacuum cleaners and running apparel. They were hosting a FREE four mile race on Thursday morning. They had a great turnout and a lot of fun! (about 200 people) I have to brag too, my baby brother won the entire race! GO BRO, I am so proud!

My little girl was such a great little racer! She even was clapping for her mommy at the end!

After the race we headed back to the house for fun, food, and swimming. 

This baby loves the water. She could play in the lake all day!

The lake is Addis's favorite place in the world! You can not keep her out of the water.

Uncle Oliver and Aunt Callie brought a new member into our family. This is little baby Win. Is he not the most adorable!?!?

Grace had so much fun playing with her Grandpa.

Of course running, swimming, eating, playing can tire you out quite a bit!

After all the fun it was nap time with Aunt Rebekah.

I hope you and your family had a wonderful 4th!


  1. How utterly perfect and beautiful are all these family memories. Love, Aunt Ksy


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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