
Life Lately...

Summer is in full swing here and we have been very busy. Things we have been working on:

  • We now have all our new doors installed! This sounds easy, but was much more involved than you might imagine. A lot of: sanding, painting, drilling, planing off the bottom of the doors, installing hardware, and now finally enjoying them!

  • We have been tending to our beautiful garden!

  • I had a yard sale on Saturday. It was a lot of fun and the best part is I actually made some money!
  • Aunt Karen came for a visit and is always so very helpful while she is here!
  • Making loaves and loaves of zucchini bread! I have now delivered 6 loaves of bread, and we have eaten countless!
  • Last but not least the last couple days have been filled with PACKING! Vacation officially starts tonight! (I will fill you in more on all we do later!)
  • OH and Grace wants you to know we have been doing a lot of playing!!!
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Your garden looks great!! Mine is not doing so well... Ha ha and somebody sure is getting big!! Have a great time on vacation! :)

    1. You have been pretty busy to worry about a garden!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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