
My Cleaning Addition-

Those of you who know me know that I am a little bit of a clean freak. I think that has been amplified since Grace was born. I HAVE to vacuum everyday, sweep, scrub and clean all the time! I also HATE clutter! My mom if she was here would tell you even as a young girl that I loved cleaning out anything. Overtime my favorite cleaning products have changed, but right now these are the products that I will NOT be left without:

1. Baby Ganics Highchair Cleaner- Grace has very sensitive skin and I feel very safe cleaning off her highchair with this before I feed her.

2. Clorox Wipes- I use these wipes on just about anything. I wipes my counters down multiples times a day with these and clean the bathrooms and any other messes that occur during the day. (which you know with children ALWAYS happen) 

3. Scrubbing Bubbles- This stuff works for me on my bathroom.

4. Baby Ganics Detergent- Again Grace's skin is so sensitive I use this brand for EVERYTHING. We use the lotion, detergent, cleaner, soap, shampoo, and hand soap.

5. Woolite Carpet Cleaner- This is the best carpet spot cleaner I have found. We still have carpet in most of our house and with clay outside makes for lots of spots! 

I hope this will help you and your dirt. Do you have a favorite cleaner or brand? Please share!


  1. I use a lot of vinegar and water as cleaner. I'm working on making my own carpet cleaner, thanks to pinterest!

    1. Vinegar and water, Excellent! I use those a lot too! Please let me know if the carpet cleaner works!

  2. I'm going to have to try the Woolite carpet cleaner! We have white carpets...and a puppy! Let's just say a spotless carpet is never to be found at our house and it drives me crazy!

    1. You should try it! It really does work great, and we have white carpets too!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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