
Grocery Day!

Tomorrow is grocery day!!! We love Wednesdays around here because when it comes to Tuesday night the fridge is EMPTY. I do not buy too many pre-packaged items, but below are a few items (besides the stapes- bread, milk, cheese, etc.) I can not leave without picking up: 

1. Ragu Garden Combination- We have spaghetti about once a week (it is Michael's favorite meal). This sauce is tasty and has hidden veggies. I usually doctor it up a little bit and even add more veggies I have in the fridge. 

2. Plum Puffs- Grace loves these puffs the most out of all the different brands. Even though she pretty much eats anything these days I like to have these for emergencies and she loves them!

3. Peanut Butter- We eat a lot of peanut butter! It is quick, easy and fills you up! This is a natural peanut butter and has A LOT less sugar. 

4. Frozen Rolls- We have been loving this bread lately! It is a good accompaniment to almost any meal.

5. Stoneyfield Yogurt- Grace loves yogurt. She would eat it for every meal if I would allow her. I feel good giving her this yogurt. It is organic and whole milk. 

(I think she approves of the food!)

What can you not leave at the store?


  1. Juice, we have to have juice. Although I like to get the Apples and Eve water with a hint of fruit in it. Or the Fruitables. Trying to stay as low in sugar as we can. Trying to eat healthy is hard on the pocket book. couponing is not as fun at the health food store.

    1. OH juice is ALWAYS on our list too, I am just not sold on one particular brand quite yet...

  2. Tuesday is grocery day for me too! A lot of what you mentioned are on my go to list... But we eat chicken for almost every meal it seems so we always need more! That and green peppers! Yum!

    1. I wish I could get the hubby to eat green peppers, but it doesn't happen. Of course he doesn't know that I hide it in spaghetti sauce and sloppy joes. :)

  3. Definitely cannot live without peanut butter! (and jelly too) Where do you usually do your grocery shopping?

  4. Almond butter and Ezekiel bread for me!

    1. I have been wondering is Ezekiel bread is good!?!

  5. Love Publix! We are spaghetti fiends as well, and I usually make a baked version at least once a week. We also do a homemade whole wheat sourdough pizza on Friday or Saturday with lots of veggies!!

    1. We also do a baked version called "After spaghetti". (we have been calling it that since I can remember because my mom always made extra sauce so after we had spaghetti we would have "after spaghetti". )
      I need you to give me your pizza dough recipe!!! Please!!!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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