
Lets Talk Sippy Cups

Well since Grace began using sippy cups (about 9 months or so), we have gone through the process of trying out sippy cups. If you are like me, I only like non-spill cups for obvious reasons, then check out my list of good and bad cups.

We have tried:

  • Nuby Sippy Cup- This cup was great at the very beginning, but if you press on the nipple then the liquid comes out. So if your little one is like mine and once they figure out how to make a mess it will continue! Good for while they are learning to use a cup, but bad once they get older.
  • Playtex Straw Cup- This works great and really doesn't spill, but Grace has not quite realized that with a straw cup you have to hold the cup down to get the liquid out. (probably my fault from going back and forth between cup types) These do work great for smoothies though!
  • Avent Straw Cup- This cup is the worst! Hard to put together, hard to clean, and not even easy for your little one to hold. Do not buy!
  • Playtex Sipster Cup- I have already thrown these away. They worked well in the beginning, but after cleaning over and over they leaked. 
  • OXO Sippy Cup- This cup is super cute and works pretty well, but every so often if she hits is hard enough the top comes loose and you loose all your milk.
  • Nuby Straw Sipper- We keep attempting this cup, but she hasn't quite figured out how to drink out of it yet. So far I really like it because it has not leaked!! But if she can't drink out of it, it kind of defeats the purpose.
  • Nalgene- Grace was given this cup at her birthday... and I wish I could trade out all of these other cups for this one! It is amazing! Never leaks, holds more liquid than most (which is great for a long run!), easy to use, easy to clean and I could go on. If you are at the place your little one still is nursing or using a bottle do you look any further for a sippy cup! I know it is more expensive than all the others, but you will not have to throw it away!

Please let me know if you have a favorite sippy cup! I would love to hear and try more! Thanks.


  1. Great tips! It's funny how sippy cups really are SO hit or miss! We have SO many! :)

    Happy Friday!

    1. So true! I guess there is one out there for everyone!

  2. Thank you for the tips! I will be putting one of these in H's stocking for Christmas! That last photo of Grace is ADORABLE!!!

  3. Christian has been fighting the bottle so we started doing a sippy cup sometimes when I don't nurse and we got the nuby one. Loved that it doesn't have the little piece for making it not leak but good to know that eventually he will probably make a mess with it! Going to have to find some nalgene ones for later!!! :)

    1. Yeah we never really used a bottle much at all. We pretty much went straight to the sippy cup. Why get her used to a bottle? We did love the Nuby sippy cups until she figured out how to make a mess, so we still use them I just keep a very close eye out. She can not have that one in the car or I am cleaning for hours!

  4. Alas we have tried them all as well. Our favorite is the CamelBak for kids. I only use it for water but she drinks almost a whole one per day!

    1. I have been curios about the CamelBak cup because it is so similar to the Nalgene, but haven't broken down and gotten one yet, but I think I just might now! THanks!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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