
Family Weekend

This weekend we started with no plans. I personally love weekends with no plans because it gives promise of resting, playing and hanging with my little family. (maybe even a nap, but I try not to get my hopes up)

Saturday morning began with a trip to Lowes. If you know us, this is pretty normal. When you have a house I don't know how you can stay out of that place! 

We went to Lowes because my handy husband built me a frame around my mirror in the master bathroom. Isn't it beautiful! He is the best!

(clearly mom attire- yoga pants and big t-shirt!)

While he was building and painting... 

Grace and I drew chalk.

Sunday after church, it was too pretty not to be outside. So, we headed to the park to soak in some rays!

After such a great day my wonderful hubby gave me a break and took us out to dinner! (which we NEVER do!)

I hope your weekend was just as wonderful and you were able to spend time with your family!


  1. Now you have snow all on the ground! At least I think you do. We have at least 3 inches already. And Callie and Oliver don't have any. Isn't that strange. Please give Grace a hug.

  2. The bathroom looks marvelous. Your husband is something else!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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