
Time For A Makeover & Friends

What do you think? I am more than pleased! I LOVE my new blog design! It was in desperate need of a makeover and Carla over at Glam Blogs worked with me (which is not easy- I am pretty computer illiterate) and made it look EXACTLY how I wanted!

Thursday and Friday I was able to spend some time with one of my very good friends, Heidi and her two beautiful kids.  We celebrated a birthday, went on a walk, changed diapers, played outside, made play dough, changed diapers, broke up fights, talked, changed diapers (you get the point), went to bed at 8:30 and had a wonderful 2 days! 

Yes I know... this picture they are still, but I gave in and gave Grace her paci and we bribed them all with a movie so we could get lunch together.

We had a wonderful time and would not have changed it for anything and am looking forward to the next time together!

I hope you are a having a wonderful weekend so far. I can not wait to tell you what we have been working on this weekend!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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