
Welcome To Our Home (Part 1)

I thought I would let yall into our lives a little more, which means inviting you into our home. 

I know you have seen little bits and pieces from all of our home improvement, but now you can see the big picture. (you can read more about our home and improvements here and here)

First I should tell you I LOVE looking at houses! I could watch HGTV all day long. I am not much of a decorator, but I love seeing a house transform. I have had the most fun seeing our house come together and become a home. Even though we still have many more projects, this is what our home looks like today. ( ps Grace was napping while these pictures were being taken, so it doesn't always look like this)


This is your view as you walk in the front door, bedrooms to the right, living room to the left and dining room straight ahead.

This is where we live. We hangout in this room a lot of the time!  Eventually we would love to have built-in bookshelves on either side of the fireplace, but that is down the road. We also want hardwood floors, but honestly we have loved having carpet while Grace was learning to crawl and walk. So we are holding off on installing for a while.

This is Grace's little play corner. I routinely exchange out toys from her room to keep her occupied and not bored.

This is the other side of the living room looking back at the entrance.

This is where we eat all of our meals. Hopefully one day where the bay window is currently we want to install french doors to exit to the backyard. As of right now we do not have a back door leading to the yard, only to the garage. 

Here is where I do all the cooking. My kitchen. I love my kitchen. I actually like that you can not see it from the living room, because I can leave my dirty dishes in the sink and forget about them! 

Other side of the kitchen. 

The kitchen leads right into the mudroom/laundry room. We have not yet painted this room, but I am thinking of a light grey?

Opposite side of the room and my chalkboard wall, that I love. The door beside the chalkboard wall leads into my pantry.

Well thats it for now. Hope you enjoyed part 1 of the house tour!


  1. Love your home!! It's so cute :) We are moving from our townhouse to a single family home in less than 2 weeks and one of our projects is to paint the trim and kitchen cupboards white...and I was worrying about how it would look with our white kitchen appliances as we won't be able to replace those any time soon...but seeing your white on white kitchen looks great and takes away my worry! :)

    1. I love the way the white cabinets looks! I will warn you though, I am constantly wiping them off! So but a very durable, washable paint! I can't wait to see your new home!

    2. I have heard that they get dirty easily...so good to know about a durable, washable paint! Smart thinking! :) I love the white look, though!

  2. I love what you've done! It's nice to buy a home and make it yours over time! I am also an hgtv addict!

    1. I have really loved making a house a home and hope to continue to make it our own!

  3. Looks beautiful Katie!! What an awesome house! <3 Heidi

    1. Thanks Heidi! Would love for yall to come and visit sometime!

  4. What a beautiful home! I love all the soft paint colors :)


    1. Thank you! I had fun picking all of them out!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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