
Happy Easter!

He is not dead! He is risen! Just as He Said!

We had a wonderful weekend filled with Joy and family.

Saturday we had the opportunity of driving to my brother and sister-in-law's house in Troutman, NC. We cooked out and caught up with the entire family. (except Margaret Cross- we missed you)

My sister-in-law's brother and his wife, Thomas and Kathryn, recently added a new member to the family and we were overjoyed to meet Lemi! Grace loved playing with him and can not wait to see him again!

Sunday was spent with our little family going to church, eating an excellent lunch, an easter egg hunt and lots of time relaxing and soaking up the vitamin D.

Most of all we are so thankful and grateful that HE is NOT dead, but alive and we will be able to spend eternity with HIM!


  1. He is Risen! Happy Easter! Is Grace's dress Petite Ami?

    1. I am not sure what brand the dress is... because I bought it used for $5.00!!!!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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