
Baby #2 Update

Around Grace's birthday (August 17th) the baby fever began and I was ready for Grace to have a baby sister or brother. We began the nerve wracking wait... Month after month sadly there was no baby. God was really teaching me a lot about patience and His timing. After 8 long months of tears, frustration, broken hearts and lots of prayers... Our dream came true!

I was so excited when I the test FINALLY came back positive I ran immediately in and told Michael. If I would have actually been using my brain and not my emotions, I would have remembered that the next day was his birthday and I could have thought of some creative way to tell him. But... since I was running with my emotions I ran straight in and announced the good news without hesitation!

The excitement dwindled when I had my first ultrasound and the doctor saw a bleed in my uterus. I had to take it easy for a few weeks. This included: no running, not picking up Grace (Ok mommies you know this is impossible... highchair, car seat, crib) and staying off my feet as much as possible. These weeks seemed to creep by!

Thankfully my next appointment heartbeat was strong and no more bleeding. Now it was safe to spread the good news. The baby is now 12 weeks and growing strong. My official due date is December 9th, which seems far, far away at this point!

We will definitely be finding out the sex sometime in July. (you know how impatient I am!) Michael says it is a boy, but I know he will be very happy with whatever the Lords blesses us with. 

So far this pregnancy does not feel like the same at all. With Grace I threw up ALL the time and I have not thrown up the first time. I have been SOOOO tired and somedays do not know how I make it through. Of course I know my tiredness has only been multiplied by chasing a toddler everywhere. Most of the day I dream about laying down on the couch, which usually doesn't happen. No food looks appealing, but I am very hungry. Not the easiest way to survive. 

Grace and baby #2 will be 28 months apart. So if I could just get Grace potty trained and sleeping in a big girl bed then we will be in good shape. I know we have a lot of work ahead of us, but we are overjoyed and ready for double the fun!!!


  1. So sweet, glad your patience paid off!!!! I know Grace will be a great big sis!

    1. Me too! She is going be a be a great big sister! I can not wait to see them interact!

  2. I guess we need to get that bed to you so Grace can check something else off her list!

    1. Well we have time! But we would love to see you guys!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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