
Week 15

Things have definitely changed this week! I feel like the bump really made an appearance this week. My face is all broken out and I feel like my hips have moved a little because when I run I feel like I am using some different muscles. My nose has also began swelling, which makes it a little harder to sleep.

So sadly I did not take a picture of the belly at 15 weeks :( But here is the belly with Grace at 15 weeks. Let me tell you with baby #2 I am twice as big!

Weight: +2.5 lbs. Sleep wearing my regular clothes, but throwing in a few maternity here and there. I am not really excited about wearing maternity clothes again. I remember toward the end with Grace I was so tired of the same clothes.
Sleep: I feel like I am sleeping pretty good, just wish I could have more sleep.
Milage: 13.5 miles. Not a great running week, but glad I was able to get some milage.
Miss Anything: Just food tasting good. Still have an appetite, but nothing looks good.
Cravings: I wish!
Looking forward: To our next appointment on Tuesday! I have never loved going to the doctor so much!


  1. Yay for baby #2! Love baby updates and so impressed with your keeping up with running!

    1. Apparently I can comment from my phone through Pinterest!! :)

    2. Thanks. Running is the only thing that makes me still feel like me. So I hope to keep it up as long as possible.

  2. Love hearing the similarities/differences between pregnancy number 1 and 2! Hoping food starts to look & taste good again.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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