
17 Weeks

This week is VACATION!!! Let me tell you this has been a long time coming. And I have to say, me and this baby really needed this time to rest and get off of our routine.

Weight: I have no idea it is vacation and I do not care! Bring on the ice cream!
Sleep: This has been ok. My hips started hurting this week which means I have to toss back and forth. I hope this is just because I am not in my own bed, because if this lasts from here on out I am in trouble!
Milage: 6 miles. Obviously you can tell it is vacation. Taking a much needed break.
Miss Anything: Just being able to sleep in on vacation. That doesn't happen with a toddler.
Cravings: All of our yummy tomatoes from the garden.
Looking Forward: To more movement. I have been feelings some kicks now and again. I can not wait till they are more consistent!

 Here is a little comparison to 17 weeks pregnant with Grace.


  1. The week of the fourth seeing you, Grace and Michael and then again this weekend, has been like heaven to me. I love you..Mom


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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