
27 Weeks

Sorry no picture this week. Time is flying by too fast!

Weight: 22 lbs. I am trying to slow it down, but that does not seem to be happening...
Sleep: I just have to say "ok" for this week. I keep waking up really early. I should just get out of bed and get somethings done, but I am afraid of waking the little one and then I would get nothing done and not rest..
Mileage: 5 miles. I know I blew it this week. I hurt my hip this week and it literally hurt to just walk. So I took it easy and went to the chiropractor and am hoping to get more in this week.
Miss Anything: Feeling like myself. Enough said.
Cravings: Anything but water. I drink a lot of water and usually do not mind the taste, but lately I am REALLY tired of water!
Looking Forward: Our vacation in 4 weeks where we are going to take Grace to the beach for the first time!!!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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