
34 Weeks

I can hardly believe we only have 6 more weeks! Time is approaching very quickly! I even told Michael we need to get the infant car seat down out of the attic soon, which makes it really real for me! 

Weight: 26 lbs. Same as last week.
Sleep: I really can not complain. I have found if I drink little water in the evening then I can go more hours in between getting up to pee, but then I wake up first thing and run to the fridge for some water!
Mileage: 6 miles. I am happy with this. At this point I am really happy if I even get up. That is a pretty big accomplishment right now, since I am about the size of an elephant.
Miss Anything: BENDING OVER! I am so ready to be able to pick up toys, laundry, etc and not groan in the process.
Cravings: I can not say that I have been craving much lately, because honestly there is not much room in there for food anymore! But I sure am looking forward to some Halloween candy! I purposely have not bought any because I know I would have already broken into it.
Looking Forward: to the arrival of our little boy! I am getting more and more anxious everyday. I have my 34 week appointment this week and I always love hearing how he is doing.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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