
Update #3 on David Michael

The past two months have been very trying for us. There has been A LOT of sleep lost, tears shed (both by kids and parents), and most importantly prayers said. It is during times like these you really know who your friends are! I have not been the most diligent at writing "Thank You" cards here lately, but I wanted to make sure that I give a shout out to all of our WONDERFUL friends and family! Thank you all who have been so generous and fed us: Drew & Lesley McCabe, Stephen & Darci Watson, Barry & Kelly Kaldenbach, Josh & Raven Anderson, Eric & Hannah Stephens, Travis & Susanna Hancock, Steven & Heidi Bozard, Ken & Lynn Cross, Barbara McKenzie, Elliott & Brittany McKenzie, James & Ann Robinson, Steven & Kassi Owens, Railey Maree, Michael & Beth Anders, and Luke & Christina Jenkins. It really means more than you know! Also thank you to everyone who has been bowing before our Father for us and David Michael. Also a very big thank you and hug sent to our prayer warriors: Alison Burns, Oliver & Callie Cross, Uncle Eddie & Aunt Kay, Uncle Scott, Mema, Sean & Alex Alford, Dustin & Suzanne Thore, Cay & Aubrey Baldwin, Kendra Martin, Leandra Davis, Sarah Curry, Tara Shaver, Caitlin Pope, Julianna Simmons, Kelly Evans, Jessica Rowen, Carrie Lott, Kathryn Schumpert Jordan, the Moorehouse family, Lindsay Franks, Amber Angell, Carol Peterson, Paige Koon, Stacey Geddings, Moore Family, Margaret Cross, Karen Cross, Rebekah Cross, Renewal and Lakeshore Church in NC. (I tried to remember everyone, but I know my exhausted mind can not)

David Michael is really improving. We decided not to go through with the gastric emptying test due to the use of radiation during the test which made me a little uneasy. We have been continuing both the Zantac and Prevacid and the combination really seems to be helping. With the help of a few new contraptions he is also sleeping much better! (which means we all are!!!) He is going to out grow this, it might be a long next couple years, but we praise God for our precious baby and the best friends and family anyone could ask for!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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