
17 Weeks

4 Months down! Where has the time gone! Quickly we are making our way to delivery day! I went to the doctor today and found out that the placenta in anterior, meaning it is between me and the baby. This means I won't be able to feel the baby move as much until it gets stronger and bigger. This is a relief to men because I can count on one hand how many times I have felt it, which definitely makes this momma a little worried! But I was able to hear the heartbeat and that always makes me feel so much better and thankful! We are already so in love with this little one!

Weight: -2 lbs.
Sleep: This week was horrible! I would sleep for about two hours and then be up for four! But I haven't been over tired? I even woke up one night and wrote a paper for school!
Missing Anything: I miss sleeping soundly all night! I hope that will come to an end soon. I haven't been exercising like a should. I hope to start exercising more and I am sure that will help.
Cravings: I think I ate more yogurt this week than I have in a long time!
Looking forward: To finding out the gender on the 19th!! 


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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