
Week 15

Week 15
Weight: 0 lbs. Not because I have not been eating, but chasing after my two little ones definitely keep me going!
Sleep: I fall asleep great, but then around 1-2 I wake up and am awake for an hour?? I try everything to fall asleep, but I am just wide awake.
Mileage: 0. I have not had the energy to run at all, but I have been walking daily.
Miss Anything: Diet Sunkist and Sushi. Oh and sleeping on my stomach!
Cravings: Not really anything, I guess if I have to say something I have been eating a lot of yogurt.
Looking Forward: Finding out the sex of our little tie breaker. I have been thinking of nursery ideas and can't wait to know if I am leaning towards pink or blue!

Check out me pregnant with Grace and David Michael at 15 weeks.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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