
19 Weeks

Well it is hard to believe that I am five months pregnant. Where has the time gone! This baby will be here before we know it! But most of all a week from today we find out if this little one will be a boy or a girl!?!?! 

Weight: -1 lb.
Sleep: It is actually improving. I still have a bad night, then a good night. However, I can not complain. I will take as much sleep as I can get!
Miss Anything: Right now just all my cute fall clothes. And maybe some sushi!
Cravings: Really not much of anything in particular. But I did break into Grace's Halloween candy (Don't tell her).
Looking Forward: To Finding out our little tiebreaker next week!!!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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