
David Michael's 2nd Birthday!

David Michael is 2!!! Where has the time gone?!?! He is the sweetest, cutest, most lovable little boy you will ever meet! He loves his family and especially both of his sisters. He loves to give kisses and make sure everyone is ok. He fills our home with joy and love. 

His birthday being around Thanksgiving it is difficult for family to come and celebrate with him. However, we had the most wonderful day celebrating David Michael and all the things he loves to do!

We surprised the kids and were the first people at Monday Joe's (a bouncy house place) and had the place to ourselves for about an hour.

At lunch time we left Monkey Joe's and went and picked up Chick-fil-a (another one of David Michael's favorites) and had a picnic at the airport park. David Michael notices every plane and loves anything with a motor. This park is one of his very favorites! He could sit and watch the planes come in all day! 

After lunch, we all went home and took naps. Once the kids woke up, we had a football ice cream cake for David Michael. He loves football and ice cream, so needless to say he was once happy little boy!  

After cake was presents! David Michael opened his very own basketball goal! 

 This was a very special family day and I would not have changed it for anything! This little boy is always worth celebrating!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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