
Another Exciting/Eventful Weekend!

Life is never boring around the McKenzie house! Our weekend began a day early, because we had scheduled to have dentist appointments (I know, yuck!) on Friday morning. To spare you a long, aggravating story, we were unable to have our teeth cleaned. Good news though we are going to get free whitenings!!! (I love a bargain!) That left our day completely open to whatever we wanted to do! It was such a beautiful day, we decided to head to Greenville to explore the Greenway system. 

We spent about 2 hours or so walking/running. We love being outside and it was nice not to be working on anything! 

I am so jealous of Greenville! This greenway system is awesome! It goes for 40 miles! I could do all my training runs and never have to worry about cars running me over, I could drink from water fountains along the way, and use public restrooms. I definitely want to go and run some different sections, I am just not excited about the 30 minute car ride. There is something about walking right out my front door to go run. Anyways... We had a wonderful family afternoon! 

Saturday morning began very early, because we were going to a nursery with our friends/next door neighbors. Grace was so excited that she woke up at 4 am. I tried to explain to her that we were not leaving until 7:30, but she did not care!

When we were leaving it began snowing, but that did not slow us down! We ended up getting a couple gardenia bushes, blueberry bushes, and a blackberry bush. Of course you know what more bushes mean... more yard work. The rest of the day was filled with digging, tilling, planning, pizza and good memories with friends!

One might think that all this is enough for one weekend, but not us.. oh no. 

We had to pressure wash the ENTIRE house, rocking chairs, and side walk. It is amazing how much dirt can come off with the pressure washer! Our house looks like it is beaming now, it is so clean. 

Thats what we did on our weekend, What did you do on yours?


  1. Grace is great to be so anticipatory about going to buy plants! We spent a wonderful weekend with Mo, Callie and Oliver. It went by too fast. The only really exciting thing we did, besides go to one of dad's b-ball games, was to slide down an embankment, wait in the snow with our new friend Taylor, and three hours later get back home! Sure wish you could have come to see us. I love you

    1. I wish we could have come too! I did not know? Or we might have just come, especially since is snowed!!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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