
Look What We Started!!!

Its official... my little baby is a big girl. I have to admit that it kind of makes me sad, but also very thankful for how happy and healthy she has become. Yesterday she ate real food for the first time! She ate sweet potatoes, but did not really know what to think?

Can you tell by her face? I did not give her very much for the first time, but she everything that I gave her!

I can not wait to try different types of food and see how she reacts! 


  1. Hi I am a new follower and I love finding other mommy bloggers like me. Your little girl is the CUTEST! We started solids around 4mo once a day and now we've started adding fruits and vegies to the mix too. Noah seems to really like it and he's getting the hang of opening his mouth for the spoon and swallowing with out using his spit out tongue reflex! Its actually really fun! Cant wait for more posts of this little cutie!


  2. Thank you Tessa! I love hearing from other moms and getting advice!
    Thanks for stopping and chatting!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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