
Labor Day Weekend

We had a fun filled Labor Day Weekend and I hope yours was too! Of course we love anytime that Michael can be home for an extra day! Grace is completely in love with her daddy! Saturday we had the opportunity to hang out with some of our great friends. We went to the Clemson vs Georgia game and tailgated all day. 

Actually we did not even go to the game... we only live about 20 minutes or less away, so we came home and put Grace to bed and watched the game from our very comfortable couches! (which is the way I like it, not necessarily Michael) Grace loved tailgating! She thought it was awesome that there was so much food to be eaten!

Sunday was spent painting our old wooden windows on the outside. YUCK! Not the most fun part of the weekend, but it desperately needed to be done! Now they look bright white and pretty.

Monday we jumped right now finishing up the windows so we could spend the afternoon with some new friends of ours and on their 200 ft slip n slide!!!

Grace is our fearless baby! She wanted to go again and again! You can watch a video here. 

Hope you had a wonderful LONG weekend!


  1. How fun is that slip n' slide!? It's HUGE!

    IG: megawat
    Hello Newlywed Life Blog

    1. Grace thought it was the best thing ever! The only problem now is that no other slip n slide will ever compare for her!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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