

Just wanted to catch you up on what we did this weekend... 

My husband's best friend has been deployed for the past year. He is a wonderful solider, friend, father, and husband. We got to know this family not long after we moved to Columbia, South Carolina for Michael to attend Seminary. It began with us babysitting their first little girl and turned into a life changing friendship. We have gone through: job changes, 2 new babies, moves, deployment, hospitalizations, deaths in the family, and nothing can make you stronger than things like that. 

Good news is he came home last week! We were fortunate enough to spend all day Friday with him and his family! 

We thank God that we have been able to be apart of this family's life and so thankful that we can call them FRIENDS.


  1. We love y'all so much. I can't wait for the friendships our little girls bloom into. They are so fun to watch together!

    1. Me too! It just means we GET to spend more time together!

  2. I love that little embroidered "M" dress, how pretty!!

    1. I know isn't it cute! They are precious girls!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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