
Pity Party

So I have to be honest... I am having a little bit of a pity party today for myself. Today is the 3 month mark that my Etsy shop has been open and... not one sale. Yes I have sold to family (who I do not charge for my time, because that is what family does). 

So I am at a point where I need to make a decision... Do I keep the shop open and just keep re-listing my items and hope for the best? Do I create a facebook page and advertise through that? Do I close my shop? Do I just sew for Grace and gifts? Do I add different types of items? Are they priced too high or too low?

Really I was hoping this would be a space where my creative juices could run and I could make a little extra money on the side. You know so Grace and I could go to Chic-fil-A once a week! HA:) 

So I am writing this today for advice. 


  1. I had my etsy shop open for about 6 months when I got my first (and only) sale. I decided I'll keep it up for a year and if I don't get any more, I'll close.

  2. Hey girl! I know it's tough. I feel the same way about my shops. I'm slowly learning about what is in and out. The popular sellers seem to have pics of children modeling their items. Also, if you list a new item about once a week, people are more likely to be directed to your shop. I try to get several listings prepared as drafts and then I just publish one a week. My antique shop is doing better than my children's shop. Their are just soooo many children's item sellers out there! I'm sorry you're discouraged. A FB page does seem to help, also.

    1. Thanks Mary Fran! I think I have decided that for me right now it is more trouble than it is worth. I do love to sew and I think I will continue to sew for friends and presents. I think if I had at least one of the more popular mommy bloggers to buy one dress I would be set, but that didn't happen for me and I am ok with that. Good luck with your shops.

  3. I love the dresses! I was planning on buying one when Emmah is old enough to walk. (crawling+dresses=no bueno...right?)


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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