
My Love List

It has been a while since I wrote a love list. So I think it is time to write a little love list of my random favorite things and favorite obsessions at the moment. 

1. This chili recipe that we have had so many times this winter! It is very filling and has a lot more veggies than most recipes out there. Which makes me feel a little better when I dump cheese and corn bread all in it! (you would know my first item on my list has to do with food!)

ps. This picture is from Christmas eve, I could not find another picture.

2. Real wood fires in the fireplace! There is nothing like snuggling up and watching the fire burn. 

3. A healthy baby! Grace has been sick and I am so glad she is finally on the up swing!

4. Rainy days to wear our pjs all day! It has been soooo cold here in SC and wet, so there were days that Grace and I both just decided to keep out pjs on all day! (Of course, lets be honest, pjs are not too different from my normal mom attire of yoga pants!)

5. Exercise tapes! Like I said before it has been really cold and wet here A LOT lately. Which means no running for me :( I wish I could go hit up a treadmill somewhere or even an elliptical, but sadly its not in the budget, so when I can not go outside I pop in an exercise video!

What are some things you can't live without right now?


  1. We have been having chili all winter too, LOVE!!! And I totally need to get on some DVDs!!! ;)

    1. Thank you for stopping by! As always it is good to hear from you and Miss Waverly! I love keeping up with yall!

  2. I think I can post on the blog now! Whoo-hoo


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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