
It Has Been A Long Week...

It has been an entire week now that Grace and I have been quarantined inside our house! A week ago today Grace woke up and did not want to eat breakfast. I knew something was wrong right then. Grace wakes up and runs straight to the kitchen to get her breakfast and if it is not ready she will run to the pantry looking around for anything she can reach. So when she did not eat breakfast a red flag went up in my mind. Next she turned on the TV and sat on the couch to watch TV. Grace NEVER watches TV. She knows how to turn it off and on, but never pays it any attention. I was cleaning up breakfast and saw her sitting on the couch and knew something wasn't right. I check her temperature and it was 103.6! I immediately called her pediatrician and made an appointment. 

I thought for sure she had the flu, but the flu test was negative, the strept test was negative, ears were clear, so we were sent home with a virus. Once Grace had enough tylenol and motrin her fever came down under 100. Then just when I thought she was on the up swing I noticed a spot on her face the next day. Then Wednesday morning there were sores on her mouth, hands, feet and bottom. Thats when I knew she had hand -foot-and mouth disease. 

So that is why we are eagerly waiting the day to go and be among people! Yesterday she finally started eating more normal again. Due to the sores all in her mouth she really did not eat much of anything for days. 

(We might not have gotten out of our pjs, but we did get our dress-up clothes on!)

I think we have lived in our pjs for a week now, hopefully soon we will see the sun again!

ps. today is the last day for some of the items in my Etsy Shop!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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