
5-12 Weeks

5 Weeks

We found out that we were expecting another little McKenzie! I was too excited to wait and tell Michael (even though his birthday was a few days away) I had to tell him right away!

6 Weeks

Weight Gain: -1lbs.
Sleep: Pretty good, but VERY tired! I would take a nap everyday if I could.
Milage: 11.5 miles, not the best running week.
Best Moment Of The Week: Getting to spend time with extended family for Easter.
Miss Anything: Yall are going to get tired of me saying Diet Sunkist!
Movement: Not yet, but I can't wait.
Cravings: Nothing really, but keep waking up in the middle of the night hungry. Something I don't think I have had since I was pregnant with Grace.
Looking Forward: To getting to see more family this upcoming week, but it is going to be difficult to keep this little baby a secret!

7 Weeks

We spent most of the week visiting family. We love our family and spending time with them, but for me it was incredibly difficult to not blurt out "WE'RE PREGNANT!"

Weight Gain: -2 lbs
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good, minus some nightmares, just do not seem to get enough of it!
Milage: 14 miles, I was able to squeeze in a little more running with the help of family babysitting this week.
Best Moment Of The Week: Spending time with family.
Miss Anything: Mexican cheese! My parents took me out to lunch to my favorite restaurant, Mexican. I had to pretend like I wasn't very hungry and order rice. This was so hard!
Cravings: Not much of anything, but when I get hungry I am hungry!
Looking Forward: Finally telling my family.

8 Weeks

(Please remember I am pregnant and really don't enjoy being photographed!)

Weight Gain:-2 lbs
Sleep: It has been pretty good this week, but just never enough of it. I definitely feel better if I wake up on my own and not when something or someone wakes me up.
Milage: 12 miles. I feel pretty good when I get out there to run, I just have little motivation.
Best Moment Of The Week: Spending time with family at my nephew's 5th birthday. Just wish I could have blurted out our secret, even though they were very suspicious!
Miss Anything: Eating hotdogs. I love hotdogs and so does Grace so we have them quite often. This weekend we went to my nephew's 5th birthday and of course we had hotdogs. They looked so good and it was definitely NOT easy making up an excuse for not eating one. 
Movement: Not yet, but a lot of cramping. 
Cravings: Anything sweet. Which is completely not me at all. I can pass up anything sweet, but that is all I think about. 
Looking Forward: The ultrasound next week! I feel like I have been waiting FOREVER!

9 Weeks

I had my first doctor's appointment this week. I am so excited and very nervous at the same time! I was holding my breath as she put the wand on my belly and then I saw our perfect little angel and heart the heart beat I was so longing to hear. But... she also found a bleed in my uterus, which is fairly common, but I am absolutely terrified and obsessed. That is ALL I can think about. I have been told to take it easy. (I have a one year old!) So take it easy means I am picking up Grace as little as possible, not running and sitting more than I ever would. My next appointment was not until 3 more weeks, but I have already moved it up to 2 more weeks because I want to tell our family, but want to be sure everything is ok first. (that appointment can not come soon enough!!!)

Weight Gain: o lbs
Sleep: Going to bed early helps me fall asleep, but then I have been waking up early too. 
Milage: 14 miles. My appointment was late in the week so I had already put some good miles in before. 
Best Moment Of The Week: Seeing our little one's heart beat for the first time. 
Miss Anything: RUNNING
Movement: Nothing yet, but it would definitely make me feel better if I could feel something!
Cravings: Anything sweet. 
Looking Forward: Next ultra sound. 

10 Weeks

This week I am been so tired! I think most of it is because I have not run. Running really gives me more energy.

Weight Gain: -2 lbs. Easy to loose weight when NO food looks appetizing. Seriously, I think I want something to eat and then by the time it is ready and sitting in front of me it is the LAST thing I want to eat.
Sleep: Just having crazy dreams. They seem so real too. Sometimes I even wake up and ask Michael if something actually happened or not?
Milage: 0 miles this week. Still trying to take it easy, but I have an appointment on Thursday and hopefully he will give me the go ahead to start running again. 
Best Moment Of The Week: You are going to think this is a little silly, but being able to take a nap on Sunday. I have been SOOO tired and Grace had a sinus infection this week which means she has not been sleeping great.
Miss Anything: RUNNING
Movement: I actually think I feel something sometimes when I am laying down and being really still, but I could be crazy. 
Cravings: Nothing. I know most pregnant woman are craving all sorts of crazy things, but I can honestly not think of anything I would like to eat right now.
Looking Forward: Being able to see Baby McKenzie on Thursday! That is seriously all I can think about. We have a lot going on this upcoming week, but I really am just focused on my appointment.

11 Weeks

We had another checkup at the doctor this week and everything and everyone looked GREAT!!! I am so thankful and blessed. I am in the clear to run again and resume normal activity. Went for the first run again on the hotel treadmill and ran my normal pace and I felt like a new person. 

Weight Gain: 1/2 lb Finally going the right direction. 
Sleep: This week was difficult because I was so excited about seeing and telling our families at the end of the week. 
Milage: 5 miles. It sure does feel good to run again!
Best Moment Of The Week: Telling our families!! Finally we get to tell them!!! Usually it would not be so hard to keep a secret, but between birthdays, graduations, and weddings we have been spending A LOT of time together. 
Miss Anything: I really would have loved to enjoy the wine at the wedding. 
Movement: I am so ready to feel this baby! It can not come soon enough. 
Cravings: Sadly, nothing. 
Looking Forward: I really can not express how excited I am to be able to feel this baby moving and playing around. 

12 Weeks

I think everyone knows now! We were able to tell our church family on Sunday and they were all so excited. We are so excited to add to our family and our church family.

Weight Gain: 1/2 lb. Still wearing my normal clothes, but mostly dresses and stretchy shorts. I did bring down the few items of maternity clothes I have out of the attic this week.
Sleep: Pretty good. I just have to wake up to pee a couple times a night. Then I wake up starving and can not go back to sleep because all I can think about it breakfast!
Milage: 13 miles. Feels great run again! I can definitely tell that my pace has slowed down dramatically, but I have not been wearing my watch on purpose. I am more interested in the fact that I am running than how fast or slow I am running. 
Best Moment Of The Week: Best momentS have been just still sharing the news with friends! I am just so excited and want everyone to know. 
Miss Anything: I really miss hot dogs. We have been to A LOT of cookouts lately and I love hotdogs.
Cravings: Really no cravings for me. Just really really thirsty.
Looking Forward: I am counting down the days till I can feel this little one move. I loved being able to feel Grace kick and move around. I know some mommas say it keeps them up, but I could sleep right through Grace having a dance party. To me it is just the best reassurance that they are happy and healthy!

Stay tunned every week to see our little one growing!


  1. I am so excited..so glad you are feeling pretty good!

  2. So exciting. Can't wait to follow along with your updates!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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