
David Michael 12 months

12 Months Old!
2 ft 5.75 in 43%
22 lbs 14 oz 73%
19 in head cir. 95%

- 8 shiny white teeth
- Saying "dada" constantly and "yeah"
- Can climb up and down from the couch and stairs
- Loves to eat spaghetti, ice cream, yogurt, and broccoli & apple pouches
- Drinking 2-3 bottles a day
- Had his first cold
- Sleeps 9 hours at night
- Loves driving trucks and throwing balls
- Wearing size 12-18 months

Check out Grace at 12 Months here


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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