
21 Weeks

Emma and I have officially made it over half way! Man how time flies! Already dreaming of holding my little girl! Today is also David Micheal's official first birthday! Can not believe last year at this time we were in the hospital and now we are waiting to do it again!

Weight: +4.5 pounds! Finally heading in the right direction. I might regret saying this in a few weeks!
Sleep: Not so good this week. Michael was out of town four nights this week and I sleep terrible while he is gone. Thankful to have Michael back with us today!
Miss Anything: This week we all just missed Michael being gone!
Craving: Thanksgiving meal today! Especially the stuffing and gravy!
Looking Forward: to a family filled day! And the excuse to eat for two!

Check out David Michael at 21 weeks here.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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