
Week 27

We have officially arrived at month 7!! Pretty exciting to know that we are getting closer to meeting our little girl! 

Weight: 18 lbs total now. Hard to believe that at the beginning of this pregnancy I could not gain any weight. (definitely not having that problem now!)
Sleep: This week has not been too bad, I just have had some bad dreams. Nothing like I had with David Michael though, those were terrible!
Miss Anything: Carrying David Michael on my hip. These days I have had to be creative with how I carry him around. Hopefully soon he will break out with some walking moves!
Cravings: This week it has been anything cold: cereal, milkshakes, and juice.
Looking Forward: To holding sweet Emma in my arms. I know we have a while longer and I want her to keep growing, but I still can't wait to meet her and kiss her precious face!

Check out David Michael at 27 weeks here.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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