
Recap of 2015

This year was full yet again, and I would not trade any of it for the world!

The beginning of the year was quite trying with David Michael experiencing breathing problems. We were definitely sleep deprived, but enjoying every minute we were able to hold our precious miracle.

In March we were able to introduce our little boy to both my Grandmother, Mema, and Michael's Grandpa. A sweet time we will never forget, because then later 2015 Grandpa went to go be with His Savior. 

Then in June David Michael began crawling which actually made our lives a little easier, due to the fact that he could move himself to make his breathing easier.

July was a packed month because we moved! Not far down the road, but to a bigger house which we completely love!

In August we celebrated Grace's 3rd birthday! (Where has the time gone!?!? How can my baby be 3!)

October was a wonderful month because we announced that our family was growing!

November was also a celebration month with David Michael turning ONE! 

At the beginning of December Grace ran her first Race. I am so proud of that girl and we are already talking about running her second race in April. 

Thank you for following along with us this year! I can't wait to see what the next year holds, but I know one thing that it will hold and that is the addition of Emma to our family! We are excited beyond words and can't wait to hold another miracle!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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