
Week 28

Third trimester we have arrived!!! I can see the end is near. This is both overwhelming and exciting at the same time for me. School begins this week for me and I have a lot to get completed before little miss Emma makes her debut. Hard to believe that we only have 12 or fewer weeks left!

Weight: 19 lbs. Not completely happy with this number, but I try to exercise several days a week and eat what I should, so I can't complain. (minus Chic-fil-a)
Sleep: This week has not been the best... Michael was out of town one night which means I don't sleep the entire night.
Miss Anything: Being able to tie my shoes without straining. I have finally reached that point where bending over and maneuvering is becoming much more difficult.
Cravings: Chic-fil-a. Enough said.
Looking Forward: To my appointment tomorrow morning.  I never get tired of hearing Emm'a heartbeat.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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