
Week 29

11 weeks and counting! Last week at my doctor's appointment, my physician told me I had gained too much weight too quickly (which no woman, pregnant or not, ever wants to hear!). With that said I have really been trying to cut back on my food intake, which is easier said than done. I have been successful at not snacking after dinner, even though I wake up in the morning starving! I have continued to walk throughout this pregnancy. With the other two kids I ran too, but I quit running fairly early in this pregnancy due to some bleeding that I was having, nothing was worth that risk! So I have been walking as much as I can and stretch. On the upside I did pass my first glucose test!

The every two week appointments have begun! I enjoy going to the doctor, one because I get to see and hear how my precious Emma is doing, two because Michael stays home with the other two kids so I have an outing all by myself and three it means Emma will be here before we know it! 

Weight: 21 lbs. Along with weight I have started to swell at night too, especially my hands.
Sleep: This week has been pretty good. I really can't complain. When I do have to wake up and use the restroom, Emma usually is awake and keeps me up for a little bit though.
Miss Anything: Being able to wear my winter clothes. It has gotten pretty cold here in the last week and my maternity wardrobe is quite limited, especially in winter clothes.
Cravings: Anything besides water.
Looking Forward: to almost being done! I know I still have 11 weeks to go, but I can see the end is near.

See David Michael at 29 weeks here.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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