
30 Weeks

Home stretch we have arrived! Officially in the 30s! 10 or less weeks to go! (No I am not going to say more because both of my kids so far have come at 38 weeks, so selfishly I am thinking less!) I am so excited to meet our precious Emma!

I started my pre-clinicals for school this week. Thankful my mom and sister came in town to help out with the kids this week so I could log some hours in the classroom. I have been blessed once again with a wonderful, Godly cooperating teacher! I am excited to see what is en-store for us over the next 10 months. (PS then I am done- and have a master's degree!)

My left hip began really bothering me this week. I would be walking and it would just go out on me, so I decided to go to the chiropractor. She fixed me right up and have felt 100% better. It is amazing how quickly my hips got slack on me, especially carrying around a hunk of David Michael.

One of my very best friends, definitely my oldest friend, came to visit this week! She is pregnant with twins! It is so fun being pregnant at the same time. I can't wait for our girls to grow up together.

Weight: 22 lbs. Yes the scale keeps going up. I am glad Emma is healthy, but ready to see the scale go in the opposite direction.
Sleep: Not bad this week. I have hit the sack hard at night after standing all day in the classroom. 
Cravings: Really I can't think of anything this week. As time goes on, it becomes more and more difficult to eat due to the fact that there is a baby in the way. I also get indigestion pretty bad even when I just eat a little bit.  
Miss Anything: Being able to move around freely. Just rolling over in the bed seems like quite a feet here lately. 
Looking Forward: to my doctor's appointment tomorrow. I love going and hearing Emma's heartbeat! (the most precious sound in the whole world!)

Here is David Michael at 30 weeks.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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