
Things I Still Buy/Use For Grace A Year and A Half Later...

If you are a new mom or soon to be, here is a list of items that I still use on my 18 month old. You will not go wrong putting these on your registry list and stocking up!

1. Pamper Swaddler Diapers- I love these diapers. They do not smell, like most other brands. We have veered off and tried other brands, but always come back to these.

2. Tripple Paste- I am convinced that this is the ONLY thing that will cure a bad diaper rash. I know when I was pregnant I thought my child would never have a diaper rash, but sometimes no matter what you do, it happens.

3. Baby Ganics Hand Soap- I originally started using this on my own hands (and of course everyone that came over). Now Grace is going through a stage where she loves washing her own hands, so we still use this soap!

4. Diaper Genie- I don't know what to say about this... diapers stink, and they only get WORSE!

5. Graco Pack n Play- I know this thing is heavy, but for the price this works awesome.

6. Fisher Price Monitor- You need a monitor and this one works great.

7. Arm and Hammer Diaper Sacks- When you visit friends and family you do not want to overload them with stink??? NO! This allows you to throw away the diaper in the trash and not burden everyone.

8. Soft Spoons- I used to feed Grace, but now she feeds herself and we still use the same spoons while she is learning.

9. Shopping Cart Cover- This is soooo worth it! Shopping carts are gross and this also works on highchairs. Germ Free.

10. Bob Jogging Stroller- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, this stroller use it all the time! Helps you lose the baby weight with baby.

I hope this helps you out a little! What are you still using?


  1. We also love the swaddlers, obsessed!!! :)


    1. Thats a good one! We still use those too! And keep buying them for all the new babies we know too!

  2. I'm right there with you on the shopping cart cover! Great list :)



Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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