
Month 4 Must Haves

Time just flies by too quickly! I can not believe that Grace is already 4 months old. She is growing too quickly! I want my little baby back. This month there are just so many things to list, but here are a few that I could not do without.

1. Baby Einstein Play Mat - We tried this mat out when she was younger, but she was not impressed. Now she loves it! She can reach for the toys, attempt to roll over, and stare at all the colors. We actually have two different mats, just in case she spits up on one we always have a back up. We have added our own toys and mirrors too!

2. Diaper Sacks- My sister in law gave me some of these, and I have to admit at first I did not think I would use them. I use them all the time! For instance, we had a poop explosion in target the other day... where are you going to put that diaper and those dirty clothes? They smell good and are cute. I do not feel bad changing her diaper at a friend's house and putting it in the trash can because it will not smell!

3. Sleep Sack - A friend of mine gave me this and I know it is not the cutest one out there, but it is very warm. Now that it is winter I wanted something thick and warm for Grace no matter what it looks like.

4. Monitor - I am actually borrowing these from family and they are wonderful! We went back and forth on what kind of monitors to get. There are so many fancy ones out there now, that even have video on them. We decided that we already put her in God's hands and that we did not need to see her every second. This is much better for my sanity.

5. Toys- We have been fortunate to have been given a lot of cute toys for her to grab and chew. These are two of her favorites. These are a must once she starts discovering her hands and able to grab things.

I hope this helps you a little bit as your grow and learn with your little one.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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