
Top Posts of 2013

Keeping with the new year theme... I was doing a little reminiscing and reading some old posts.

Here are the top 3 posts that you have read in 2013:
1. Grace's First Birthday
2. 10 Things New Dads Need to Learn About New Moms
3. Baby Fashion

I think it is funny what people are drawn to read. I originally began this blog just for me. I wasn't planning on sharing with anyone, but so that I would have a little outlet in a way. It has turned into being so much more. I have made new friends, connected with old ones, have an online baby book, and a way to share with family. 

Here is my favorite 3 posts that I wrote in 2013:
1. Daddy Love
2. How Motherhood Has Changed Me
3. Oh Motherhood

Thank you for reading and encouraging me! What kind of posts would you like to read in 2014?


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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