
Oh Motherhood-

I have been putting Grace to sleep on her stomach since she was 3 months old.

I nurse her to sleep every night.

I do not go get her in the middle of the night when she wakes up.

I do not have a video monitor.

Addis (the dog) licks Grace on her face.

Grace will drop her paci in the house and I just put it in my mouth to clean it off.

We do not have a wipe warmer and thankfully Grace is used to having cold wipes. (Which I mostly use homemade wipes so it is actually cold water)

After a few days of following the 4 day rule of feeding, I threw in the towel.

I have never gotten a hair brush for Grace, so I have never brushed her hair.

I have a bumper on Grace's crib and actually believe it has been GOOD for her safety.

Sometimes I nurse Grace after running and before taking a shower. She doesn't complain.

Up until a few weeks ago Grace still nursed every 3 hrs.

Now it is your turn- What do you let your kids do that you are not "suppose" to let them do? Fortunately, we are all moms and do what we think is best!


  1. Baby boy isn't here yet, but I foresee breaking lots of "rules" :) Even in pregnancy I have done things you are "supposed" to do...I eat lunch meat and cookie dough from time to time...

    1. The way I see it, momma always knows best and you do the best you can at the time!

  2. With second baby, I have "lost" her (several times) on church retreats and at the soccer field (while I'm coaching). Mind you, she knew where she was and other people kept an eye on her. It takes a village, right? I sometimes let her eat what dropped on the floor. The dogs do like her hands and her face. She was in a forward facing carseat at 9 months (so was sister). They both were in toddler beds at 14 and 18 months. They are doing just fine, with all of the above.

  3. Your girls are wonderful! I just hope Grace can learn a few things from them!

  4. Katie, I nominated you for a Liebster Award! You can find out more at my blog.


  5. I love this post btw. I pray that I don't get caught up in the hoopla of trying to be what this world says a "perfect" mom is.

    1. I think that is why I needed to write this post... to remind myself that it is ok to not be the "perfect" mom.


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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