
Grace is Coming!

Time flys! I realized today that time goes by too fast and I wanted to keep track of little Grace's life better. Also a place to share pictures with friends and family since we do not live near any family. 

Yesterday was our 39 week appointment with our doctor. My blood pressure had been going up so for the last few weeks so I have been going to the doctor in Greenville twice a week. Michael had not been to but a couple appointments, but for some reason he really wanted to come to this appointment, and I am really glad he did! Because by the time we left the appointment I was dilated 5 cm and we were on our way to the hospital! Thankfully I was not in a lot of pain, and very excited to meet our little girl! We immediately began making phone calls, and family immediately were on their way. 

Grace Elizabeth McKenzie was born 10:36 pm 7 lbs 12 oz 20 in. 

We were fortunate that most of our family were able to come!

This was her coming home outfit! Isn't she cute!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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