
Month 4

We are 4 months old!
2 ft 1.25 in 95%
16 lbs 6 oz 95%
16.75 in head cir. 95%

- Grabbing toys
- Noticing everything
-Yelling very loudly
- Chewing on hands
- Grabbing feet

Mommy Update:
I have been going to the chiropractor for my tailbone and it has made a lot of difference! I am now able to sit, walk, run and move without pain. I am still adjusting to having someone need my attention 24 hours a day and loving it! I am asking Santa that I will have a little girl sleep through the night so I will begin to feel more like myself and be more rested. I am not running consistently yet, mainly because it has been a little cold to take Grace out everyday. I hope to soon, even if I just run when Michael gets home from work. I have been exercising with videos at least 5 days a week and have currently lost 46 lbs! I only have 3 more to go to be back to my original weight. However, I have a lot of much needed toning. 


  1. Katie, i am so excited you are blogging!!!! I wish we were closer so we could run together!

    1. Ashley! I wish we could run together too! You are doing a lot better than I am! I am so proud of you!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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