
Month 5

We are 5 months old!
15 lbs 50%

- Exploring with her hands
- Talking all the time
- Driven to distraction
- Chewing on everything

Mommy Update:
Fortunately, this month I have been able to get a lot more running in! I have really enjoyed feeling much more like my old self again. Due to all the running and entertaining a very curious 5 month old I am now a pound under my normal weight. That comes to a grand total of 50 pounds! Since Grace began sleeping through the night more consistently I am a new person and much more alive. 


  1. I love that crib bumper. I'm so nervous to put Matthew in a crib, I want him in our room still, I might try a pack n play....ahh it's really nerve wracking!!

    1. We started with the bassinet in our room, then the pack n play in our room, and then moved her to her crib and never looked back! I was really nervous too, but now she sleep and naps so much better! You will know what to do! You are such a great mom!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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