
Our Schedule Month 4-7

Over Grace's short life her schedule has changed drastically, but over the past couple months it has remained the same. I know when I was pregnant I loved reading people's daily schedule just to get a feel of what I was getting myself into. 

6:45 - Our day begins when Grace wakes up. She is so cute when she wakes up, because we hear her on the monitor singing away. Her daddy uses her singing as his alarm clock, he gets up and gets her from her crib. We have a little bouncy seat in the bathroom. He changes her diaper and puts her in the bouncy seat while he gets ready. 

7:30 - Nurse. Michael is getting ready to leave for work and Grace and I sit down to start our day.

(This is a picture from daddy dropping off Grace to mommy to get going.)

9:00 - Nap. Grace usually is very ready for this nap! She is really asking for it! She will sleep anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour 45 minutes. There is no way in knowing how long a nap will last? When she goes down, it becomes my time to workout. I try to workout the entire time she is sleeping, which will vary from day to day.

10:30 - Nurse

12:00 - Nap. My time to catch up on cleaning. 

1:30 - Nurse. In between feedings and napping, we get in a lot of play time!

3:00 - Nap. Usually by now I am tired and just want to sit down and catch up on blogging, e-mails and grocery lists. 

4:30 - Nurse.

5:30 - Cereal. She has begun to love eating cereal. She gets excited when she sees me break out her colorful spoons!

6:00 - Nap. If Michael is home we try to eat, while she is down so we can actually talk and catch up on our days.

7:15 - Bath Time. Grace loves baths. Especially now that she has figured out how to kick water everywhere. We have been giving her a bath every night to keep her on her schedule, since days after bringing her home. 

7:30 - Nurse.

8:00 - Bedtime. She usually goes down pretty good, because she is so tired. I lay her down, give her the pacifier, and put a crocheted blanket over her (that is so cute and I feel comfortable with her having it because she could breath through it if it went over her head).

(See isn't it the cutest blanket!)

I know our schedule will change soon. I just love having a detailed schedule to keep up with what is going on and I can plan activities better. I will keep you updated as our schedule changes.


  1. What size does my great neice wear now and will be wearing this spring? I am always shopping and thinking of her!Let me know, Katie. Love, Aunt Kay

    1. Aww thank you Aunt Kay! She is growing SOOO quickly! She is currently fitting into 12 month clothes. So anything bigger than that! You are too sweet

  2. Omy goodness. 645 sounds horrific lol. I can barely keep my eyes open at 9am. Im probably desusional at 645 haha. I love her cargart or however you spell it overalls they are cute :)

    1. It is a good thing that I am a morning person! We do go to bed right after she does to get in as much sleep as possible!
      Her daddy loves her overalls too! It is his favorite outfit, so we have to wear it when he is around!
      Thanks for chatting and stopping by!

  3. she is so sweet! My little guy is 6 months and they have a very similiar schedule!

    1. Thanks Jen! I am glad to know that someone else out there is doing that same thing we are!
      Thanks for stopping and chatting!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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