
7 Ways To Be A Better Mom

You might be wondering why I would be writing a blog post about being a better mom? What do I know? I have only been a mom for a short year and only have one child. But... I learned from the best mom in the world! (who has successfully raised FIVE children) You see I am really writing this post to remind myself, because I really do desire to be a better mom for Grace. Grace deserves the best mom! It starts with me... not with my baby. I can teach her everything I know and follow all the books, but at the end of the day it is up to me.

1. Wake up and Go. Wake up before the children, have breakfast going, showered, smile on your face and most importantly be renewed by starting the day in the Word. My mom always would wake up, exercise, and spend time in the Word before we woke up. 

2. Energize. Have a cup of coffee, go for a run, eat healthy. Whatever gives you the most energy. Set an example for your children and be heathy.  

3. Keep to a Schedule. Children love routine. Buy a watch and stay on time. If you run late it causes chaos and a mean mommy. 

4. Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk. A lot of the small things will not matter when your children are grown. Take a chill pill. 

5. Play. Get off your couch. Play hide and seek. Go for a walk or to the park. Play with your children. (They will thank you)

6. Cut the Electricity. No phones, ipods, tv, whatever at dinner. Talk to your family, listen to their day. Get to know what or who matters to them.

7. Always Learn. You might have a bad day, but hopefully you learned what not to do tomorrow. Everyday is a new day. 


  1. Love these tips! Thanks for sharing :) In just the past 3 months I have started to realize that my day is less stressful if I wake up before Christian and get my shower in right away. If only I could find the motivation to run then too! Hopefully someday :)

    1. You have got to give yourself a little time first! He was just born! And I just say "run" because that is what I love to do, but it could be walk or exercise video, you know what I mean.
      Thanks for reading!


Hi! I'm Katie. Wife to Michael. Mom to Grace, David Michael & Emma. Christ Follower. Runner. Stay at home mommy.

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